Shimul Ray
Assistant Professor
Research interest:
Human Resource Management, Tourism and Hospitality Management, Accounting, Human Resource Accounting
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International Journal of Research - GRANTHAALAYAH
Covid-19 pandemic has arrived at a widespread risky situation in our individual, ϐinancial and communal lives. Now the whole world is thrilled by the cruel clutch of the coronavirus and its victim is the global economy. The study focuses on discovering the risk involved in Covid-19 of the banking sector in Bangladesh. A qualitative approach was used to attain the purpose of this study. The study revealed that Covid-19 has countless effects on the economy and on the banking sector in Bangladesh. In the critical moment of lockdown, the Bangladeshi banking sector faces huge ϐinancial losses, increasing non-performing loans, individual investment, and decreasing operating profits. Bank employees are affected seriously for performing their daily activities. They are passing their days with great fear.
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Human Resource Management Practices in Banking Sector of Bangladesh: A Critical Review
IOSR Journal of Business and Management (IOSR-JBM)
The banking sector plays an important role in the economy. The banks' success depends largely on dynamic, competent, and talented employees. The effective and efficient application and practice of human resource management will ensure a dynamic, competent, and talented staff that can achieve an organization's ultimate goal. The main objective of the study is to explore Bangladeshi commercial banks' human resources management practices. This study evaluates and compares the activities of job analysis, recruitment and selection, training and development, remuneration, motivation and rewards, maintenance of employee relations, safety and security programs of selected commercial banks as existing human resources management activities. This research is based on secondary information. This study was made possible by the use of the publication of journals, books, authorized documents, annual reports, and website information. The results of the study have shown that government commercial banks are following the common practice of HRM, while private banks follow more diversified practices of HRM. It appears that in private banks, the job design, training and development programs, and safety at the workplace are better, but employees are dissatisfied with the structure of wages, job security, and work pressure. The study recommended that state-owned commercial banks should focus on job design, training, and development, as well as employee security, and private banks should focus more on the structure of salaries and wages, job security, and working pressures of employers.
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Why Bangladeshi Patients Prefer Outbound Medical Travel? An Analytical Study
International Tourism and Hospitality Journal
Bangladesh is a densely populated country within the world and the health sector of this country is relatively poor; they're being enhanced day by day. The study focuses on deliberate outbound medical travel from Bangladesh and sees the important factors that influence preferring foreign medical treatment of Bangladeshi patients. In this study, nonprobability convenience sampling and structured questionnaires are used for collecting the data. Some essential statistical tools are used to prove the hypotheses. It absolutely found that individuals chose to foreign countries from Bangladesh for cardiovascular, dental, infertility/IVF, and cancer treatments and folk were identified because of the foremost important medical treatments that persuade the patients to choose a special country. The availability of physicians and better service quality, sufficient medical facilities and services, treatment cost, and hygienic, safety, security, and attractive tourist medical places are the most important factors driving individuals to seek outbound medical services.
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Effectiveness of teamwork and its structure in business management: A case study on Corporate Sector of Bangladesh
IOSR Journal of Business and Management (IOSR-JBM)
This study provides an analysis and evaluation of the Effectiveness of teamwork and its structure in the business processes to the corporate sector of Bangladesh. Methods of analysis include correlation, regression analysis, and testing of hypothesis through ANOVA, horizontal and vertical analysis, as well as, recommendations are also provided based on the findings. The paper discloses that team climate and team effectiveness are more correlated than team objective, functions, and skill which recommends putting more emphasis on the variables correlated. Organizations should be interested in teamwork by means of multiple skills needed to evaluate an individual’s performance, collaborate learning skills will be practice preparing for team-focused working culture. For a successful team, some factors are needed such as, share mutual belief, full participation of all the members, individual commitment to reach a common as well as team goal for business management in an organization.
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