Greetings from the Department of Human Resource Management, Islamic University, Kushtia, Bangladesh. The Department offers a curriculum that has been designed to ensure that students acquire substantive knowledge, skills, and values essential for the business arena in the 21st century. Due to powerful changes in the business environment, all types of organizations-from start-ups to multinationals, not-for-profit to governmental, local to global-are demanding strategic leadership from human resource (HR) professionals. Today, the breadth and depth of business knowledge, as well as the mastery of management skills required of HR professionals, are unprecedented. The Fourth Industrial Revolution (4IR) affected the business environment significantly and has changed the way of providing and receiving services.
The Human Resource Management department believes that the students are best prepared for a career in HR. The department dreams of making its students competent and skilled for the Fourth Industrial Revolution (4IR) that will help them build a strong career in the HR sector.
Department of HRM seeks to use behavioral science, knowledge, and technology to help each BBA graduate adjust more rapidly to the changes. We revise and upgrade our course curricula as well as introduce new courses that are thought to be justified at the international level. Faculty members of this Department are highly qualified with strong academic backgrounds, skills, experiences, performances, and researches. They are not only highly qualified but also committed to guiding and taking responsibility to maintain the standard of education offered by the Department of Human Resource Management.
The Department is actively involved in organizing different extracurricular activities like conferences, seminars, workshops, sports, study tours, picnic, and various cultural programs in addition to the regular classroom activities. Besides, the Department also maintains a strong linkage with the business community, business leaders, and professional managers for the development of the quality of the graduates.
Thanking You
Md. Shahidul Islam
Department of Human Resource Management
Islamic University
Kushtia-7003, Bangladesh.