Dr. Md. Mizanur Rahman (Ph.D., Australia)
Associate Professor
Dr. Md. Mizanur Rahman was appointed full-time lecturer full-time 2011 at the Bangladesh University of Business & Technology (BUBT). After one year, in 2012, he accepted a Lecturer position at the Islamic University, where he taught various research-related courses to undergraduate and postgraduate students. He was also involved in supervising undergraduate and postgraduate students. In 2015, he was promoted to Assistant Professor at the same university. He earned both his Bachelor of Science (Honours) and Masters (Thesis group) in Applied Mathematics degrees from the Department of Mathematics, Khulna University, Bangladesh. He is an Associate Professor at the Department of Mathematics, Islamic University, Kushtia-7003, Bangladesh. He is also involved in professional memberships at the Bangladesh Society for Mathematical Biology, Bangladesh Mathematical Society, Engineering Australia (EA) and Australasian Fluid Mechanics (AFM). Mr Rahman joined as a PhD researcher Department of Mechanical Engineering, School of Engineering, Design and Built Environment, Western Sydney University (WSU). He has published more than 40 peer-reviewed articles and presented at multiple conferences. He has accepted the Australian Government Research Training Program Scholarship (RTP) and International Postgraduate Research Scholarship (WSUIPRS) to undertake his PhD at Western Sydney University. His PhD project aims to develop numerical modelling for aerosol particle deposition as drug delivery in human lung airways. He was awarded PhD degree from Western Sydney University, Australia in 2023.
Research interest:
Drug Delivery Design, Aerosol Inhalation and Deposition, Human Lung Modelling, Virus Transport, Microfluid and Microfluidic, Heat and Mass Transfer, Air-pollution, Infectious Diseases Control Modelling.
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Nanoparticle transport and deposition in a heterogeneous human lung airway tree: An efficient one path model for CFD simulations
European journal of pharmaceutical sciences (Q1)
Understanding nano-particle inhalation in human lung airways helps targeted drug delivery for treating lung diseases. A wide range of numerical models have been developed to analyse nano-particle transport and deposition (TD) in different parts of airways. However, a precise understanding of nano-particle TD in large-scale airways is still unavailable in the literature. This study developed an efficient one-path numerical model for simulating nano-particle TD in large-scale lung airway models. This first-ever one-path numerical approach simulates airflow and nano-particle TD in generations 0-11 of the human lung, accounting for 93% of the whole airway length. The one-path model enables the simulation of particle TD in many generations of airways with an affordable time. The particle TD of 5-nm, 10-nm and 20-nm particles is simulated at inhalation flow rates for two different physical activities: resting and moderate activity. It is found that particle deposition efficiency of 5-nm particles is 28.94% higher than 20-nm particles because of the higher dispersion capacity. It is further proved that the diffusion mechanism dominates the particle TD in generations 0-11. The deposition efficiency decreases with the increase of generation number irrespective of the flow rate and particle size. The effects of the particle size and flow rate on the escaping rate of each generation are opposite to the corresponding effects on the deposition rate. The quantified deposition and escaping rates at generations 0-11 provide valuable guidelines for drug delivery in human lungs.
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A numerical study on sedimentation effect of dust, smoke and traffic particle deposition in a realistic human lung
International Journal of Multiphase Flow
Inhalation of pollutants can be deadly for respiratory health, as toxic pollutants can penetrate the deep lungs which could occur severe respiratory infection and lead to life-threatening respiratory diseases. The excessive presence of pollutants in the environment increases the concern of potential respiratory health hazards. To date, a microscopic understanding of the sedimentation effect on dust, smoke and traffic (pollutant) particles transported to the airways is missing in the literature. This first-ever study aims to analyse the sedimentation effect in various directions of pollutant particle transport in airways. This study also quantitatively explains how particle size, density, and physical exercise impact pollutant particle transport and deposition (TD) in the human lung airways. The contribution of the sedimentation effect is largely independent of particle size. The sedimentation effect can also be found significant at the trachea region when the fluid flow is horizontal. Overall, traffic particles with large diameters and high flow rates are deposited in the upper lung, whereas dust particles with large diameters and high flow rates are deposited in the deep lung. It is expected that 79.1 % of the particles will reach the deep lung. The difference between the deposition rates of the horizontal and vertical lungs reduces if the particle size reduces, the flow rate increases or the particle density reduces. The deposition rate of a horizontal lung for the heaviest particles (traffic) at 15 L/min flow rate is about 4.5 % higher than that of a vertical lung with the same flow rate.
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How SARS-CoV-2 Omicron droplets transport and deposit in realistic extrathoracic airways
Physics of Fluids (Q1)
The SARS-CoV-2 Omicron variant is more highly transmissible and causes a higher mortality rate compared to the other eleven variants despite the high vaccination rate. The Omicron variant also establishes a local infection at the extrathoracic airway level. For better health risk assessment of the infected patients, it is essential to understand the transport behavior and the toxicity of the Omicron variant droplet deposition in the extrathoracic airways, which is missing in the literature. Therefore, this study aims to develop a numerical model for the Omicron droplet transport to the extrathoracic airways and to analyze that transport behavior. The finite volume method and ANSYS Fluent 2020 R2 solver were used for the numerical simulation. The Lagrangian approach, the discrete phase model, and the species transport model were employed to simulate the Omicron droplet transport and deposition. Different breathing rates, the mouth and nose inhalation methods were employed to analyze the viral toxicity at the airway wall. The results from this study indicated that there was a 33% of pressure drop for a flow rate at 30 l/min, while there was only a 3.5% of pressure drop for a 7.5 l/min. The nose inhalation of SARS-CoV-2 Omicron droplets is significantly more harmful than through the mouth due to a high deposition rate at the extrathoracic airways and high toxicity in the nasal cavities. The findings of this study would potentially improve knowledge of the health risk assessment of Omicron-infected patients.
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A mathematical model for the transmission of co-infection with COVID-19 and kidney disease
Scientific Reports
The world suffers from the acute respiratory syndrome COVID-19 pandemic, which will be scary if other co-existing illnesses exacerbate it. The co-occurrence of the COVID-19 virus with kidney disease has not been available in the literature. So, further research needs to be conducted to reveal the transmission dynamics of COVID-19 and kidney disease. This study aims to create mathematical models to understand how COVID-19 interacts with kidney diseases in specific populations. Therefore, the initial step was to formulate a deterministic Susceptible-Infected-Recovered (SIR) mathematical model to depict the co-infection dynamics of COVID-19 and kidney disease. A mathematical model with seven compartments has been developed using nonlinear ordinary differential equations. This model incorporates the invariant region, disease-free and endemic equilibrium, along with the positivity solution. The basic reproduction number, calculated via the next-generation matrix, allows us to assess the stability of the equilibrium. Sensitivity analysis is also utilised to understand the influence of each parameter on disease spread or containment. The results show that a surge in COVID-19 infection rates and the existence of kidney disease significantly enhances the co-infection risks. Numerical simulations further clarify the potential outcomes of treating COVID-19 alone, kidney disease alone, and co-infected cases. The study of the potential model can be utilised to maximise the benefits of simulation to minimise the global health complexity of COVID-19 and kidney disease.
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Numerical study of nano and micro pollutant particle transport and deposition in realistic human lung airways
Powder Technology (Q1)
For respiratory health risk assessment, it is essential to evaluate the transportation and deposition (TD) of pollutant particles in human lung airways, which are responsible for lung diseases. Studies to date improved the knowledge of the particle TD in airways. However, the understanding of the TD of different pollutant particles in realistic airways has not been fully understood. This study investigates TD of three types of pollutant particles: traffic, smoke and dust, with various sizes ranging from nano- to micro-scales in the mouth–throat and tracheobronchial lung airways of a human lung using computational fluid dynamics (CFD). Three different physical activities are considered: sleeping, resting, and intense breathing, corresponding to inhalation flow rates of Qin = 15, 30 and 60 L/min, respectively. Nearly 99.8% of 10-μm traffic particles are deposited in the upper lung airways considered here. However, the TD efficiency of 10-μm dust particles is reduced to 64.28% due to the reduction in particle density. Nanoparticles have a much smaller deposition efficiency than microparticles because impaction effect of microparticles is stronger. Only less than 10% of 5-nm traffic particles are deposited in the airways for all three flow rates, allowing over 90% of particles to reach the deep lung. An important finding is that the effects of density on the particle TD of nanoparticles are much weaker than that of microparticles. At 15 L/min flow rate, the difference between the deposition efficiencies of the heaviest traffic particles and the lightest dust particles is only 3.5%. The effects of particle density on the deposition efficiencies of nano- and micro-particles are different from each other because impaction and diffusion dominate the TD of nano- and micro-particles, respectively. Density only affects impaction significantly but has little effect on diffusion.
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Aerosol Particle Transport and Deposition in Upper and Lower Airways of Infant, Child and Adult Human Lungs
Atmosphere (Q2)
Understanding transportation and deposition (TD) of aerosol particles in the human respiratory system can help clinical treatment of lung diseases using medicines. The lung airway diameters and the breathing capacity of human lungs normally increase with age until the age of 30. Many studies have analyzed the particle TD in the human lung airways. However, the knowledge of the nanoparticle TD in airways of infants and children with varying inhalation flow rates is still limited in the literature. This study investigates nanoparticle (5 nm ≤ dp ≤ 500 nm) TD in the lungs of infants, children, and adults. The inhalation air flow rates corresponding to three ages are considered as Q_in=3.22 L/min (infant), 8.09 L/min (Child), and Q_in=14 L/min (adult). It is found that less particles are deposited in upper lung airways (G0–G3) than in lower airways (G12–G15) in the lungs of all the three age groups. The results suggest that the particle deposition efficiency in lung airways increases with the decrease of particle size due to the Brownian diffusion mechanism. About 3% of 500 nm particles are deposited in airways G12–G15 for the three age groups. As the particle size is decreased to 5 nm, the deposition rate in G12–G15 is increased to over 95%. The present findings can help medical therapy by individually simulating the distribution of drug-aerosol for the patient-specific lung.
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Numerical study of nanoscale and microscale particle transport in realistic lung models with and without stenosis
International Journal of Multiphase Flow (Q1)
The transport and deposition (TD) of inhaled aerosol particles in airways of human lungs are important for therapeutically targeted drug delivery in respiratory tracts. The airflow and particle TD depend on various aspects, including breathing pattern, geometry of lungs, particle properties and deposition mechanisms. In this paper, a computational fluid dynamics (CFD) study is conducted to understand the flow behaviour and PD of both nanoparticles and microparticles (particle diameter = 5 nm, 100 nm, 500 nm, 1 μm, 5 μm and 10 μm) in airways of mouth–throat and tracheobronchial of a human lung under the effect of stenosis. The contribution of impaction and diffusion mechanisms to the TD of particles with different diameters in human lung models with and without stenosis are investigated through numerical simulations using ANSYS FLUENT solver. The study was conducted under two flow rates of 15 L/min and 60 L/min. The stenosis at the right primary bronchi reduces the airway sectional by 75%. It is found that the pressure drop of the stenosis model increases by 83% compared to the healthy model. Over 75% of 10 μm particles are deposited in the mouth–throat and tracheobronchial airways. As the particle size is decreased to 5 nm, less than 10% of the particles are deposited in the airways, allowing over 90% particles to enter deeper part of the lung. The results suggest that the particle deposition efficiency in airways of mouth–throat and tracheobronchial increases with increasing the flow rate as well as the particle diameter because of the inertia impaction mechanism. The contribution of the diffusion mechanism is significantly decreased with the increase of either particle size or flow rate. The predicted particle deposition patterns in the airway with stenosis model would be useful to optimise a patient's treatment for drug delivery in the stenosis airway.
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Aging effects on airflow distribution and micron-particle transport and deposition in a human lung using CFD-DPM approach
Advanced Powder Technology (Q1)
Understanding the transportation and deposition (TD) of inhaled aerosol particles in human lung airways is important for health risk assessment and therapeutic efficiency of targeted drug delivery. The particle TD into a human lung depends on lung anatomy, breathing pattern, as well as particle properties. The breathing capacity and lung airway diameters can be reduced by about 10% every 10 years after the age of 50. However, the age-specific particle TD in human lungs, particularly in the aged, has not been well understood in literature. This study investigates the particle TD in the lungs of people aged 50–70 years, using computational fluid dynamics (CFD). A new cutting method that splits the lung model into different sections has been developed as a feasible CFD method to simulate the particle TD in G0 to G14 lung airways. The inhalation of micron scale particles with three diameters (5 μm, 10 μm and 20 μm) and a constant air flow rate in inhalation is considered. It is found that different sized particles are deposited in different generation airways. Nearly 100% of 20 μm particles are deposited in the upper lung airways (G0-G5) and no particles pass through G7. Particles can go into deeper airways as their diameter decreases. When the particle size is decreased to 5 μm, over 48% of particles can pass through G14 and enter the deeper lung airways. An increase in age causes more particles to deposit in the upper airway and fewer particles to enter the deeper airways.
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Heat Wave and Bushfire Meteorology in New South Wales, Australia: Air Quality and Health Impacts
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health (Q1)
The depletion of air quality is a major problem that is faced around the globe. In Australia, the pollutants emitted by bushfires play an important role in making the air polluted. These pollutants in the air result in many adverse impacts on the environment. This paper analysed the air pollution from the bushfires from November 2019 to July 2020 and identified how it affects the human respiratory system. The bush fires burnt over 13 million hectares, destroying over 2400 buildings. While these immediate effects were devastating, the long-term effects were just as devastating, with air pollution causing thousands of people to be admitted to hospitals and emergency departments because of respiratory complications. The pollutant that caused most of the health effects throughout Australia was Particulate Matter (PM) PM2.5 and PM10. Data collection and analysis were covered in this paper to illustrate where and when PM2.5 and PM10, and other pollutants were at their most concerning levels. Susceptible areas were identified by analysing environmental factors such as temperature and wind speed. The study identified how these pollutants in the air vary from region to region in the same time interval. This study also focused on how these pollutant distributions vary according to the temperature, which helps to determine the relationship between the heatwave and air quality. A computational model for PM2.5 aerosol transport to the realistic airways was also developed to understand the bushfire exhaust aerosol transport and deposition in airways. This study would improve the knowledge of the heat wave and bushfire meteorology and corresponding respiratory health impacts.
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How microplastics are transported and deposited in realistic upper airways?.
Physics of Fluids (Q1)
Microplastics are tiny plastic debris in the environment from industrial processes, various consumer items, and the breakdown of industrial waste. Recently, microplastics have been found for the first time in the airways, which increases the concern about long-term exposure and corresponding impacts on respiratory health. To date, a precise understanding of the microplastic transport to the airways is missing in the literature. Therefore, this first-ever study aims to analyze the microplastic transport and deposition within the upper lung airways. A computational fluid dynamics-discrete phase model approach is used to analyze the fluid flow and microplastic transport in airways. The sphericity concept and shape factor values are used to define the non-spherical microplastics. An accurate mesh test is performed for the computational mesh. The numerical results report that the highly asymmetric and complex morphology of the upper airway influences the flow fields and microplastic motion along with the flow rate and microplastic shape. The nasal cavity, mouth-throat, and trachea have high pressure, while a high flow velocity is observed at the area after passing the trachea. The flow rates, shape, and size of microplastics influence the overall deposition pattern. A higher flow rate leads to a lower deposition efficiency for all microplastic shapes. The nasal cavity has a high deposition rate compared to other regions. The microplastic deposition hot spot is calculated for shape and size-specific microplastic at various flow conditions. The findings of this study and more case-specific analysis will improve the knowledge of microplastic transport in airways and benefit future therapeutics development. The future study will be focused on the effect of various microplastic shapes on the human lung airways under the healthy and diseased airways conditions.
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A robust deep convolutional neural network for monkeypox disease detection and classification
Neural Networks (Q1)
The monkeypox virus poses a new pandemic threat while we are still recovering from COVID-19. Despite the fact that monkeypox is not as lethal and contagious as COVID-19, new patient cases are recorded every day. If preparations are not made, a global pandemic is likely. Deep learning (DL) techniques are now showing promise in medical imaging for figuring out what diseases a person has. The monkeypox virus-infected human skin and the region of the skin can be used to diagnose the monkeypox early because an image has been used to learn more about the disease. But there is still no reliable Monkeypox database that is available to the public that can be used to train and test DL models. As a result, it is essential to collect images of monkeypox patients. The “MSID” dataset, short form of “Monkeypox Skin Images Dataset”, which was developed for this research, is free to use and can be downloaded from the Mendeley Data database by anyone who wants to use it. DL models can be built and used with more confidence using the images in this dataset. These images come from a variety of open-source and online sources and can be used for research purposes without any restrictions. Furthermore, we proposed and evaluated a modified DenseNet-201 deep learning-based CNN model named MonkeyNet. Using the original and augmented datasets, this study suggested a deep convolutional neural network that was able to correctly identify monkeypox disease with an accuracy of 93.19% and 98.91% respectively. This implementation also shows the Grad-CAM which indicates the level of the model’s effectiveness and identifies the infected regions in each class image, which will help the clinicians. The proposed model will also help doctors make accurate early diagnoses of monkeypox disease and protect against the spread of the disease.
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Effects of Periodic Magnetic Field on 2D Transient Optically Dense Gray Nanofluid Over a Vertical Plate: A Computational EFDM Study with SCA
Journal of Nanofluids (Q2)
Naturally convective periodic MHD and thermally radiative nanofluid flow through a vertical plate has been studied. The flow model has been established by incorporating the boundary layer approximations. Briefly, the governing equations in partial differential equations (PDEs) form were first transformed into a set of nonlinear ordinary differential equation (ODEs) by using non-similar technique. After that, an explicit finite difference method (EFDM) was employed by implementing an algorithm in Compaq Visual Fortran 6.6a to solve the obtained set of nonlinear coupled ODEs. A stability and convergence analysis (SCA) was carried out to optimize the system parameter and accuracy of the system. From SCA, it was observed that at initial boundary conditions, U = V = T = C = 0 and for Δ τ = 0.005, ΔX = 0.033 and ΔY = 0.20, the system converged at Prandtl number, Pr ≥ 0.3167 and Lewis number, Le ≥ 0.16. The velocity, temperature and concentration flow are investigated and shown graphically with the effect of system parameters such as Grashof number (Gr ), modified Grashof number (Gc ), magnetic parameter (M), Prandtl number (Pr ), thermal radiation (R), Eckert number (Ec ), Brownian parameter (Nb ), thermophoresis parameter (Nt ) and Lewis number (Le ). Furthermore, the effect of system parameters on skin friction coefficient (τ x ), Nusselt number (Nu ) and Sherwood number (Sh ) is also examined and tabularized. An acceptable approximation is obtained while comparing present computational approach with previous studies.
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Williamson fluid flow behavior of MHD convective radiative cattaneo–christov heat flux type over a linearly stretched-surface with heat generation and thermal-diffusion
Frontiers in Heat and Mass Transfer (Q2)
A two-dimensional (2D) flow of an incompressible Williamson fluid of Cattaneo–Christov heat flux type over a linearly stretched surface with the influence of magnetic field, thermal radiation-diffusion, heat generation and viscous dissipation is carried out in the present study. To develop a Williamson flow model, a boundary layer approximation is taken into account. The non-dimensional, nonlinear, coupled ordinary differential equations with boundary condition are solved numerically using Nactsheim-Swigert shooting iteration technique together with Runge-Kutta six order iteration scheme. The influences of physical parameters on the velocity, temperature, concentration is analysed through graphical consequences. To validate the accuracy of the numerical simulations scheme, comparisons is carried out with the previous studies and are found in an excellent agreement.
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Analysis of MHD Radiative and Chemical Reactive Transient Boundary Layer Casson Nanofluid Flow Over a Stretching Sheet with Viscous Dissipation Effect: A Computational Study
Advanced Science, Engineering and Medicine (Q2)
In the present study, a two-dimensional (2D) flow of an incompressible Casson Nanofluid over stretching sheet is analysed with the influence of magnetic field, thermal radiation, viscous dissipation and chemical reaction. To develop a Casson Nanofluid flow model, a boundary layer approximation is taken into account. The unsteady non-dimensional, nonlinear, coupled ordinary differential equations with boundary condition are solved numerically using Nactsheim-Swigert shooting iteration technique together with Runge-Kutta six order iteration scheme. The impacts of physical parameters on the velocity, temperature, concentration is analysed through graphical consequences.
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A Numerical Study on Non-isothermal flow through a rotating curved duct with square cross section
Int. J. of Appl. Sci. & Eng (Q2)
Non-isothermal flow through a rotating curved duct with square cross section is studied numerically by using the spectral method, and covering a wide range of the Taylor number, Tr 0 ≤ Tr ≤2000 and Dean number, Dn 0≤Dn≤2000. A temperature difference is applied across the vertical sidewalls for Grashof number Gr = 500, where the outer wall is heated and the inner one cooled. The rotation (Coriolis force) of the duct about the center of curvature is imposed. The Steady solutions are obtained by using Newton-Raphson iteration method and the Dean numbers are also discussed in detail. Then, in order to investigate the non-linear behavior of the steady and unsteady solutions, there is no stable steady solution, time evolution calculations as well as power spectrum of the periodic oscillations are obtained, and it is also found that for larger Dn, the unsteady flow undergoes in the scenario “steady-->periodic-->chaotic-->steady”, if Tr is increased. Finally spectral analysis and phase space are found to be very useful investigation of the Non-isothermal fluid flow behavior.
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Non-isothermal Flow through a Curved Channel with Strong Curvature
Int. J. Intelligent. Syst. & Appli (Q2)
Non-isothermal flow through a curved square channel with strong curvature is investigated numerically by using the spectral method and covering a wide range of the Dean number, Dn, 100 ≤ Dn ≤6000 for the curvature 0.5. A temperature difference is applied across the vertical sidewalls for the Grashof number Gr=100 , where the outer wall is heated and the inner one cooled. After a compressive survey over the parametric ranges, two branches of asymmetric steady solutions with two- and four-vortex solutions are obtained by the NewtonRaphson iteration method. Then, in order to investigate the non-linear behavior of the unsteady solutions, time evolution calculations as well as power spectrum of the solutions are obtained, and it is found that in the unsteady flow undergoes in the scenario “steady--> periodic--> multi-periodic-->chaotic”, if Dn is increased.
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Affect on Several Control Strategies of A Model for Malaria in an Endemic region Like Bangladesh
Bangladesh Journal of Scientific and Industrial Research
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