Information and Communication Technology

Academic / Faculties / Information and Communication Technology

The Department of Information & Communication Engineering was established in harmony with the progress of current information technology under the Faculty of Applied Science and Technology in 1998. The Department is so underlying and contemporary because of the adaptation and uses of Information and Communication Technology is increasingly being linked to the national economic development and subsequent human development for the countries of the world. The Department first introduced in the Islamic University, Kushtia-7003, among all the universities in Bangladesh has already reached 20 years. With the help of modern and advanced software, hardware, electronic, communication laboratories and multimedia library, this department is being run in accordance with the various technical changes in technology as well as educational curriculum per year. In the era of globalization, the first and foremost purpose of this department is to create the appropriate information expert and technologist for the advancement of our country. The students who were graduated from the department are working in different positions with good reputation in home and aboard.

The overview of Information & Communication Engineering department is presented below:

SL Student Info Number of Students
1 Current Students   225
2 Current MPhil Students 03
3 Current PhD Students  09
4 Awarded M.Sc. Degree  420
5 Awarded MPhil Degree 03
6 Awarded PhD Degree 03


Course Overview:

The undergraduate program offers diverse courses in different fields namely: information processing, communication system, communication network and radio engineering. The information processing track offers such as Programming Language Concepts, Object Oriented Programming with C++, Database Management Systems, Programming in Java and System analysis and Software Engineering; the communication system track offers such courses as Communication Systems, Optical Communications, Mobile and Cellular Communications, Multimedia Communications; the communication network track offers such courses as Data Communication and Computer Networking; the radio engineering track offers such courses as Electromagnetic Theory and Antenna, Electronic Communication and Microwave Engineering.

The graduate program of Information and Communication Engineering pursues research on advanced communication as well as signal processing with nationwide infrastructure of the mobile communication networks and radio engineering. In most cases, alumni of our department are working in many fields as researchers at major companies, public enterprises, research institutions and so on. Moreover, many students go on to graduate school on abroad for more in-depth and specialized study. We hope that all the talents will be equipped with a creative mind and personality and will become our new leaders for the future.  

Number of Laboratories:   26

Electricity and Electronics, Digital Electronics, Structured Programming, Numerical Analysis, Digital Switching, Circuit Design and Simulation, OOP with Java, Data Structure with C++, Database Management System, Computer Graphics, Analog Communication, Communication Signal and Systems, Telecommunication, Computer Networking, Microprocessor, Data Communication, Simulation and Modeling, Digital Signal Processing, Multimedia & Web Technology, Artificial Intelligence, Information Processing, Field Work & Presentation, Advanced DSP, Advanced AI, Digital Image Processing, Communication Systems Simulation, Advanced Digital Communication laboratories.

No. of Officers:                      4

No. of office staff:                 5

Number of teachers:          15