Biomedical Engineering

Academic / Faculties / Academic


Vission of the Department:

Through its faculty and graduates, the Islamic University Department of Biomedical Engineering is a driving force in creating engineering knowledge and novel biomedical technology that improve the human condition through the advancement of clinical care and biomedical science.

Mission of the Department:

  • To educate men and women who can bridge engineering with life sciences in the service of human health and represent the biomedical profession with distinction.
  • To provide quality biomedical engineering education through integration of engineering with the biomedical sciences.
  • To foster new knowledge and achieve leadership in biomedical engineering research, the development of novel technologies and innovative applications.



Educational out comes of the Department :

The department of Biomedical Engineering at IU has adopted the educational objectives are:

  • Ability to understand and apply the fundamentals of life sciences, physical sciences, mathematics and engineering.
  • Ability to design experiments for, make measurements on, and interpret data from living systems.
  • Ability to identify appropriate design specifications and to design solutions at the system, component, and/or process level to satisfy biomedical needs.
  • Ability to work in integrative teams involving engineers from various disciplines and when applicable, healthcare professionals.
  • Ability to identify, formulate and solve biomedical engineering problems and challenges.
  • Understand professional and ethical responsibility related to biomedical engineering practice.
  • Ability to communicate effectively, in oral and written form, to interdisciplinary audiences.
  • Have an understanding of bioethics, philosophy, religion, and other broad areas to assess the impact of engineering solutions in a global and societal context.
  • Have the recognition of the need for, and an ability to engage in lifelong learning.
  • Have a working knowledge of contemporary issues in biomedical engineering.
  • Ability to use classical and modern engineering, mathematics, and biological tools for biomedical engineering practice.



Program Information’s :

  2. Students passing the Higher Secondary Certificate (H.S.C.) examination in Science from an Education Board of Bangladesh or a recognized equivalent examination from home or abroad may be admitted to the program of Bachelor of Science (B.Sc)/ Bachelor of Pharmacy (B.Pharm) with Honours in any of the above mentioned Departments in this University.
  3. Students will be admitted to the respective Department as per university rules.
  4. Each year application requirements will be defined by the central admission committee of this university.
  5. Departments can set specific requirement on department -wise score in admission test.
  6. Foreign students will be eligible for admission in any Department of the Faculty after fulfillment of the specific requirement(s) as set by the Department and must be consistent with the existing rules of the Islamic University .


  • Medium of Instruction

The medium of instruction shall be English. For Non-credit course the medium of instruction shall be either English or Bengali.


  1. For Theoretical Courses:
  2. Class attendance : 10%
  3. Quiz/presentation : 05%
  • In-course/tutorial exam/ assignment : 15%
  1. Semester end final examination : 70%
  2. For Practical/Laboratory Courses:
  3. Laboratory performance during lab hours : 05%
  4. Lab attendance : 10 %
  • Lab note book on experiment : 05%
  1. Viva-voce on experiment during practical exam : 10%
  2. Semester end final exam : 70%
  3. For Industrial Tour/Field work /In-plant Training Courses:
  4. Report of the Industrial Tour/Field work /In-plant Training : 50%  
  5. Overall performance in the Tour/ Field work /Training : 30%
  • Viva-voce/Quiz/Presentation : 20%
  1. For Project /Internship Courses:
  2. Presentation of the Project / Internship work : 50%
  3. Dissertation of the Project / Internship work : 30%
  • Overall Performance during the work : 20%





  • Distribution of semester activities

The B.Sc (Honours)/B.Pharm (Honours) degree program in the Faculty of Applied Science and Technology is a 04 (four) academic years program. The program comprises 08 (eight) semesters, each having duration of six (06) academic calendar months to be distributed as follows:

  1. Classes                         : 13 (thirteen) active weeks
  2. Preparatory Leave : 02 (two) weeks
  3. Semester Final Examination : 03 (three) weeks
  4. Vacation : Only the usual University vacation will be applicable
  5. Result publication : Within 02 (two) months (from the last theory exam date)



  • Duration of Course and Course curriculla


  1. The Sc/ B.Pharm (Honours) degree program shall extend over a period of 04 (four) academic years, each of a normal duration of one calendar year, divided into 2 semesters. Thus Bachelor of Science (B.Sc)/ Bachelor of Pharmacy (B.Pharm) with Honours degree will consist of 08 (eight) consecutive semesters.
  2. The curricula of the Sc/ B. Pharm (Honours) degree in the different Departments shall be proposed by the Committee of Courses and approved by the Syndicate on the recommendation of the Academic Council through the Faculty.
  3. The Committee of Courses shall review the curricula at least once in every Academic Yearand recommend changes and revision (if any) to the Faculty. The Faculty will recommend to the Academic Council for final approval by the syndicate.
  4. Teaching of the courses is reckoned in terms of credit and the Committee of Courses of the respective Department under the guidelines of this ordinance will determine the credit allotted to various courses.


  • Credit requirement and duration of study


  1. For theoretical courses, 13 (thirteen) class-hour of 60 (sixty) minutes is defined as one credit.
  2. For practical or lab courses, 26 (twenty six) lab hours work is defined as one credit.
  3. Course load: A maximum of 24 credits with not more than 12 courses (theory and practical) may be allowed in a semester.
  4. Based on course pattern, content and weightage, individual course may have different credit hour.
  5. The total credits required to be earned or fulfilled for obtaining a Bachelor of Science (B.Sc)/ Bachelor of Pharmacy (B.Pharm) with Honours degree will be 160. However, the distribution of credits and courses must be designed in the Curricula by the committee of courses of respective Department provided that the total credit should be 160 and must be approved by the Academic Council through Faculty.


Non-Credit/University Course: Thereshall bea Non-credit course namely Islamic Studies/ Bangladesh Studies carrying 100 marks to be completed within the first semester. However, if any student failed to pass the Non-credit course (obtained less than 50% marks) in the first semester he/ she must complete the Non-credit course within following academic year. Students coming from Madrasa stream (both Dakhil and Alim) and Non-Muslim students shall take the Non-credit course Bangladesh Studies. Those coming from college stream (both S.S.C. & H.S.C./Dakhil& H.S.C.) shall take the Non-credit course Islamic Studies. 


  • Assignment of Credit:
  1. Credit for each Theoretical Course = 2.0 to 4.0
  2. Credit for each Practical Course = 1.0 to 3.0
  3. Credit for Industrial Tour/ Field work/ In-plant Training       = 1.0 to 3.0
  4. Credit for Project/ Internship Dissertation =4.0 (Maximum)
  5. Credit for Viva-voce = 1.0 (Maximum)


NB: The step of credit increment should not be less than 0.5



  • Evaluation of the Courses


The performance of a student in a theoretical course will be evaluated in the following ways:

  1. For a theory course, the evaluation will be made by the summation of class attendance, quiz/ presentation, tutorial/ in-course exam/ assignment and Semester final exam marks.
  2. For any course attendance, quiz/ presentation, tutorial/ in-course exam/ assignment will be evaluated by the course teacher/s and the marks must be submitted to the Chairman of the examination committee before commencement of the semester final examination.
  3. Respective examination committee will conduct the semester final examination.
  4. The attendance sheet must be submitted to the Chairman of the Department before commencement of the semester final examination.
  5. Quiz/ presentation, tutorial/ in-course exam/ assignment marks must be shown in the notice board before the end of the class.
  6. Minimum 03 (three) tutorial/ in-course exam/ assignment will be taken for each theory course. Average of all the tutorial/ in-course exam/ assignment marks will be considered for final calculation.


  1. For theoretical course final examination, generally there will be two examiners: course teacher will be the first examiner and the second examiner will be within the department or from a relevant department of Islamic University or from the same/ allied departments of the other universities appointed by the examination committee.
  2. The answer scripts of final examination will be evaluated by two examiners. The arithmetic mean of the marks given by two examiners in a course will be considered as the obtained marks of that course. Total marks of a student in each course should be rounded up.
  3. If the difference of marks between the two examiners varied equal to or above 20% for any answer script of a course that will be evaluated by a third examiner. The third examiner will be appointed by the examination committee provided that neither the members of the corresponding examination committee nor previously appointed examiner (first & second examiner) are nominated as third examiner. 
    1. Average of the third examiner marks and the nearest marks of the previous examiner will be taken.
    2. If the differences of marks of third examiner from the first and second examiner become equal then obtained mark will be calculated from average of third examiner mark and nearest higher mark of the first or second examiner.
  4. The evaluation of practical/laboratory course will be done as follows-
  5. The practical/ lab course teacher will evaluate lab attendance, lab performance and lab note book marks on experiment. Lab attendance mark will give in accordance with the percentage of attendance in the lab class and works.
  6. Examiners appointed by the respective examination committee will evaluate practical experiment script and viva-voce on experiment during practical examination.
  7. The percentage and marks of attendance of students for all courses (theoretical and practical) will be given as follows:



95% and above


90% to 94%


85% to 89%


80% to 84%


75% to 79%


70% to 74%


65% to 69%


60% to 64%


Less than 60%






















  1. Industrial Tour / Field work/ In-plant Training course will be evaluated as follows-
  2. The report on Industrial Tour/ Field work/ In-plant Training will be evaluated by the two internal members of the examination committee as being first and second examiner.
  3. Overall performance in the Industrial Tour/ Field work/ In-plant Training and Quiz/ Viva-voce / Presentation will be evaluated by the examination committee.


  1. Project/ Internship course will be evaluated by the following ways-
    1. Overall performance of the Project/ Internship course will be evaluated by the teacher who supervises the Project/ Internship work.
    2. Presentation of the Project/ Internship will be evaluated by the internal members of the respective examination committee.
    3. Project/ Internship dissertation or report will be evaluated by the two internal members of the examination committee as being first and second examiner.


  1. Viva-voce course evaluation- Viva-voce course (if any) will be conducted and evaluated by the examination committee of the respective semester.


  • Grading System : Grades and Grade Points


Letter Grade

Grade Point


80% and above

A+  (A plus)



75% to less than 80%

A (A regular)



70% to less than 75%

A- (A  minus)


Very Good

65% to less than 70%

B+   (B plus)



60% to less than 65%

B (B regular)



55% to less than 60%

B- (B  minus)


Below Satisfactory

50% to less than 55%

C+   (C plus)



45% to less than 50%

C  (C regular)


Below Average

40% to less than 45%




less than 40%














  • Curriculum Structures



Course Type




General Studies

  1. i) Bangladesh Studies
  2. ii) Islamic Studies




Basic Science Courses


  1. i) Physics
  2. ii) Chemistry



  1. v) Biology













Allied Engineering Courses


  1. ii) Laboratory Work






BME Core courses:



  1. ii) Laboratory Work

iii)Industrial Tour/Field Work

iv)Project Work
















