The department of Biomedical Engineering (BME) of Islamic University opens it’s doors to the most tallented and smartest students in the country.
Department of Biomedical Engineering opened at Islamic Uiversity (IU), Bangladesh :
Islamic University, Bangladesh the top university in the country, has recently opened the department of Biomedical Engineering. The first batch of students started taking their classes in 27th January 2018.The department is headed by the renowned researcher inIncreasing the efficiency of Backpropagation Algorithm to train the Neural Network,The Numerical Solution of the Transcendental Equations using Genetic Algorithms field, Dr.Tapan kumarGodder, currently a professor of Information and Communication Engineering (ICE), Syndicate Member in IU. BME is an independent department within the faculty of Engineering and Technology.The department office and classrooms are located on the 3rdfloor of theApplied Science and Technology Building.
**Biomedical Engineering:Biomedical Engineering is an interdisciplinary field comprising engineering, medicine and biology. BME aims to use engineering techniques to analyze, change or control biological systems, develop products to monitor living organisms and serve in diagnosis and treatment of patients.
** Why BME :BME offers a unique opportunity compared to other engineering disciplines. It is a field of study specifically dedicated to improving human lives through advancing engineering application in medicine and healthcare sector. Students with a desire to be doctors and engineers can get a taste of both in BME.
** Prospect’s of BME :BME is an emerging and highly demanding field of study. BME graduates can perform cutting-edge research, design new medical equipments, and develop innovative products. There are also many BME problems to be solved in the health sector of Bangladesh where the IU graduates can be the frontrunners.