Academic / Faculties / Faculty
ID: 040190
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Assistant Professor
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Assistant Professor
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Assistant Professor
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Assistant Professor
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Assistant Professor
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Assistant Professor
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Assistant Professor
ID: 040206
Google Scholar:Mediation Role of Job Satisfaction on HRM ̶ Operational Performance Relationship: A Three-Way Moderation Effect by Gender
The impact of Human Resource Management (HRM) practices on performance behavior and job satisfaction have drawn much attention around the world over the past 25 years (Khera, 2010; Savaneviciene& Stankeviciute, 2012).Past researchwas conducted on either HRM practices and job satisfaction or HRM practices and employee performance. Researchers in the study try to integrate both the topics in a single edge. Covering the existing research gap, the study aims at to predict high school teachers' operational performance on HRM practices and notice whether the job satisfaction mediates the relationship between HR practices and operational performance. The research is a non-experimental study utilizing structured questionnaires. During the survey, information confidentiality and respondents' anonymous were established. The study has adopted the cross-sectional survey approach and investigated 140 teachers from 14 high schools, located at Sylhet City, Bangladesh. A three-step hierarchical regression model was fitted to regress operational performance on control variable, HRM related independent variables as well as job satisfaction to know the variance explained by each step and to test the effect size. Further, three mediation models were also developed to delineate how HRM practices i.e., discipline and compensation were related to operational performance through job satisfaction. In doing so, mediating role (either complete or partial) of job satisfaction was examined. Results revealed that training and development, discipline and compensation significantly predictedhigh school teachers' perceived operational performance effort; and job satisfaction has shown both partial and complete mediation effects in the relationships between HRM practices and operational performance. Moderating variable,viz., gender did moderate none of relationships among independent, mediator and predicted variables. Thus, school teachers' operational performance and job satisfaction resultant from HRM practices do not differ significantly by gender status. The key implication of the study is assisting the management committee of higher secondary schools in focusing on specific HRM practices to draw out school teachers' performance effort. And all HR practices more or less important for educational institutions but to boost up employee performance effort training & development, discipline and compensation system are more imperative.
2017-06-14 Click HereRole of Quality of Work Life (QWL) on Employee Retention of Private Commercial Banks in Bangladesh: Moderating Effect of Gender, Marital Status and Job Experience
The Quality of Work Life (QWL) is a philosophy that focuses on the quality of the relationship between employees and total work environment. A high quality of work life is essential for organizations to attract, continue and retain prospective employees. Retention of experienced and trained employees is a challenge for banking organizations. This research aimed at make out underlying dimensions of QWL program that shape employees’ retention strategy in Private Commercial Banks (PCBs) of Bangladesh. The study is based on primary data from 200 employees working at PCBs through a structured questionnaire. Several statistical tools and techniques such as Exploratory Factor Analysis (EFA), descriptive statistics, zero order correlation, OLS regression and hierarchical regression analysis have been used. The outcome of the study is that all five dimensions of QWL program e.g., supervision, maintenance, flexibility, security and compensation have significant positive effect on employee stay decision in the bank. The study concluded that gender and marital status moderate the relation of maintenance dimension and intention to stay decision. Finally, implications for organizations and practitioners adopting QWL program are discussed.
2017-09-30 Click Here0
Google Scholar:IFRS, Customers satisfaction in Energy sectors.
ResearchGate: Google Scholar:Md. Kamal Uddin is an Assistant Professor of Accounting and Information Systems Department at Islamic University, Bangladesh. He obtained his BBA and MBA in Accounting from Islamic University, Bangladesh securing first place. He also obtained his Diploma in Banking (JAIBB & DAIBB) from the Institute of Bankers Bangladesh. He is now a Ph.D. fellow at the Department of AIS in Islamic University, Bangladesh. He has published more than 18 research articles in both national and internationally renowned journals in the context of Education, Accounting, Banking, and Mobile Financial Services. He has more than 15 years of experience in Education, Banking, and Corporate arena.
Research interest:Fintech Services, Financial Analysis, Financial Inclusion
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Payment systems mostly impact on a country's economic and business environment as well as play vital role to overall infrastructural development. At present banking sector of Bangladesh has embraced new technological development and functioning various mode of payment systems. The development of the RTGS system is one response to the growing awareness of the need for sound risk management in large-value funds transfer systems. The commencement of RTGS services in Bangladesh really a remarkable step/addition to fulfill the dream of Digital Bangladesh. The main purport of the study is to investigate the instant payment systems of commercial banks in Bangladesh focused on Real-Time Gross Settlement Services (RTGS). More than one year recent past data is taken under consideration for analyzing the growth or trends of RTGS services in Bangladesh. The study has observed that the growth rate of RTGS transaction is negative during the study period in terms of number of transaction as well as value of transaction. The study recommends that both Bangladesh Bank and Commercial banks come forward to spread out the usefulness of RTGS to the customers through the arrangement of seminar, advertisement on media, direct interaction with customers by information cell, closely monitoring by banks management and etc.
2018-12-31 Click HereThe healthy growth of the financial market requires fast and secured transfer of money and financial instruments by using modern technologies. Delivering the financial services in the rural and remote areas helps the financial inclusions and boosts up the economic momentum and development thereby. The aim of this study is to investigate the comparative benefits between Electronic Fund Transfer and Automated Cheque Processing systems under Bangladesh Automated Clearing House in banking perspectives. The study is based on both primary and secondary data. Primary data collected from bank’s officials through well designed questionnaire and secondary data collected from Annual Reports published by Bangladesh Bank. Recent past five years consolidated data of clearing transactions settled through BACH are considered here. Descriptive statistics, Chi-square Test & Z Test applied to analyze data. The paper concludes that payment and settlement in Electronic Fund Transfer system is more beneficial to the bankers as compare to Cheque Processing Systems.
2021-01-26 Click HereJob satisfaction refers to an employee’s positive impression toward his job performed for the organization. It persuades an employee moving forward to reach the organizational goal. As banking industry plays a vital role to the financial sectors as well as economy of Bangladesh, the study aimed to investigate affecting factors of job satisfaction of cash officers of Private Commercial Banks (PCBs) in Kushtia District. As cash officers in private commercial banks serves customer enthusiastically with excessive pressure, so that the matter of job satisfaction is highly considerable. In this study data collected through questionnaire from fifty respondents in distinct twelve private commercial banks. The researcher has done Descriptive Statistics analysis, Factor Analysis, Correlation Analysis and T-Test, using SPSS to identify the most influential factors as well as their relationship with job satisfaction. The study reveals that almost all cash officers were satisfied in terms of all components of job satisfaction except three variables namely Job Security, Increment allocation method and performance evaluation systems of banks. The study also reveals that payment structure, job expectation, commendable culture and environment, job security, and performance measurement have strong and significant relationship with job satisfaction of cash officers of private commercial banks in Bangladesh.
2021-06-30 Click HereQuality Higher Education transforms human life into meaningful human resources. Moreover, it brings qualitative changes in humankind and socioeconomic development with the help of extended knowledge and higher skills. But, most of the traditional student loan mechanisms are based on interest (riba) therefore, many devout Muslims are struggling with traditional student financing, as interest (riba) is impermissible in Islamic shariah. This study aims to analyze student financing concepts based on shariah perspective and to evaluate the shariah issues that are associated to its application. The present qualitative study adopts mostly relied primary and secondary sources of Islamic shariah such as Quran, Hadith, Islamic Jurisprudence, and Islamic scholars’ views. The deliberations evolve at reviewing on the shariah concept of Qard-al-hassan, Qard-bil-ujrah, waqf (Islamic trust bank), and takaful. Finally, the present study highlights that the higher education financing based on the shariah concept could also be generalized into education financing that would be interest(riba) free and acceptable to the Muslim community at large.
2021-12-31 Click HereMobile financial service is an important tool of financial inclusion. It plays significant role to the national economy of Bangladesh. The study aims to analyze the profitability performance of mobile financial service providers in Bangladesh with special reference to bKash. The study covers a period of 08 (eight) financial and operational years from 2013 to 2020. Data collected for the purpose from secondary sources and used descriptive statistical tools like mean, standard deviation, coefficient of variation, F statistics, related financial ratios, and least square method to fit straight line trend to evaluate the profitability performance. The ratio analysis shows that profitability performance during the year 2014 to 2017 was sound but rest of the years under study period were negative. The trend analysis results that trend in income and expenditure of bKash are upward but trend in profit and profitability are downward during the study period. The study finds that there is no significant difference of profitability performance between first four years and last four years. The study recommends that bKash should increase diversified income level to improve profitability performance and healthy financial position in the long run.
2022-03-20 Click HereMobile banking service organization are operating business activities in Bangladesh for an era. The study aims to evaluate the financial performance of mobile banking services organization in Bangladesh experiencing the bKash limited. Financial ratio analysis and DuPont analysis have used to assess the financial performance of the organization on the basis of secondary data. Financial ratio analysis covers liquidity, solvency, activity and profitability ratio. DuPont analysis comprises of return on equity (ROE) and return on assets (ROA). The study also compares the financial performance of bKash limited between first four years and last four years. F statistics is used to test the hypothesis. The findings in liquidity and solvency ratio reveal that the organization is in decent position to settle the debt. The activity and profitability ratio finds that assets turnover and net profit margin was dissatisfactory. DuPont analysis shows that the organization was inefficient in operating activities and asset utilization. The study finds that there is no significant difference of financial performance between first and last four years. The study concludes that the management of bKash limited should focus on improving the efficiency in operational activities and asset utilization for enhancing the profit and maintaining healthy financial position.
2022-04-11 Click Herehe study aims to evaluate the inputs cost sensitivity of betel leaf production of selected farmers in Bangladesh. Purposively two districts like Kushtia and Jhenidah were chosen for study area. Both primary and secondary data were used for the purpose of the study. Primary data were collected from 120 farmers. For analyzing data 9 variables were used like Material cost, Labor, Land cost(Lease), Fertilizer, Insecticide, Irrigation Cost, Depreciation of Primary cost, Selling and Distribution cost, Other cost as input costs and one variable(Sales) was used as output variable. The analysis have been done by applying descriptive statistics, Cobb-Douglas production function and marginal physical productivity (MPP) to identify nature of production function and influential sensitive input costs. The summation of all regression co-efficient included in the model, ∑βi=1.35 indicated that the production function is in the state of increasing return to scale. The highest MPP value was found in other cost (64.95) followed by insecticide (3.22); selling and distribution cost (2.69); labor cost (1.25) and fertilizer (1.20) which are very sensitive inputs and have the strong influence on output variables.
2022-05-04 Click HereBangladesh is now playing a role model in conventional microfinancing programs in the whole world. Though the financial sectors of this country cover both conventional and Islamic modes. There exist some limitations of conventional microfinancing operating by NGOs. The Islamic microfinancing programs are not enhanced in comparing conventional microfinancing due to a lack of proper policy formulation. Most people are practicing Muslims and want to avoid interest. The Islamic financial institutions have emphasized women's empowerment through shariah-based microfinancing and achieving sustainable economic development. The main objective of this study is to investigate the effectiveness of Islamic microfinance for empowering women and achieving SDGs in Bangladesh. The methodology of this study is based on secondary data including existing relevant literature and annual reports of different financial institutions. The findings of this study show that Islamic microfinance institutions perform a significant role in empowering women as well as attaining SDGs and have a broader scope to flourish more by applying their various investment modes. This study will help to promote shariah-based microfinancing in the future and transmit microfinance systems to other countries of the world. This paper also tries to recommend some strategies and policy options to promote shariah-based microfinancing to reduce the challenges to ensuring women's empowerment and attaining SDGs.
2022-05-27 Click HereThe study aims to investigate the effect of non-performing loans on profitability with operating efficiency as an intervening variable. The study is conducted on the state-owned commercial banks in Bangladesh. The purposive sampling technique is chosen to select the sample banks. Secondary data has been collected from the annual reports of sample banks. The technique of data analysis used is descriptive, multiple regression analysis, and path analysis. PROCESS Macro Mediation Model 4 has been applied to examine the mediation effect. The study finds that non-performing loan has a positive but insignificant effect on operating efficiency, on the other hand, operating efficiency has a negative and insignificant impact on profitability. The statistical result in the direct effect of non-performing loan on profitability shows that non-performing loan has a negative and significant impact on profitability in presence of the operating efficiency. The findings in PROCESS Macro mediation effect reveals that operating efficiency have no mediation effect on the relationship between non-performing loan and the profitability of state-owned commercial banks. The study recommends that bank management should take effective measures to minimize the percentage of the non-performing loan and the operating expense to operating income ratio to enhance the profitability of banks.
2022-06-09 Click HereThe present study analyzes the influence of leverage, operating efficiency, non-performing loan, and capital adequacy ratio on the profitability of commercial banks in Bangladesh. The study selected four state-owned commercial banks and six private commercial banks as samples purposively. The study uses secondary data collected from annual reports of sample banks. The study covers balanced panel data for a period of four years from 2017 to 2020. Panel data regression model applies to meet the research questions and hypotheses of the study. The analytical result of the study shows that the leverage as measured by the debt-equity ratio (DER) has a negative and insignificant influence on profitability (ROA). Non-performing loan (NPL) has also a negative and insignificant effect on ROA. Higher DER and NPL lower the profitability position of the bank. The study finds that the operating efficiency as measured by BOPO ratio has a positive and insignificant impact on ROA. The study reveals that the capital adequacy ratio (CAR) has a positive and significant effect on ROA. The present study recommends that banks should be rational about the debt financing and selection of appropriate borrowers for upholding the healthy financial position in Bangladesh.
2022-06-19 Click HereManagement of Current assets and Current liabilities is involved in the working capital management of any business organisation. The financial decision regarding the current assets and their utilisation plays a crucial role in the solvency, liquidity as well as the profitability of the company. The study is aimed to determine the management of working capital of the particular gas distribution companies in Bangladesh which are selected on purposive sampling and analysis are conducted on the secondary data collected from annual reports covering a period of 5 years from the financial year 2015 to 2020. The analysis techniques of mean, average growth rate, standard deviation, coefficient of variation, financial ratio analysis, and Motaal’s Comprehensive Test of Liquidity model are used. It is found that the working capital management of the gas distribution companies is not at a satisfying level especially for the state-owned companies, although a newborn company (KGDCL) is in a better position compared with the older one. This study focuses on some techniques which may be followed for the management and utilisation of current assets and liabilities in enhancing the profitability of the companies to maintain optimum liquidity and solvency.
2022-06-30 Click HereSocial media is a globally known and widely used means of social communication that has brought most people very close in today's world especially the Z generation or iGen who are more familiar and attracted to this medium. Among them are university students who mostly prefer to spend time on it and as a result, it might have either positive or negative effects on their academic studies. The current study aims to investigate the effect of social media on the academic performance of university students in Bangladesh. A well-structured questionnaire is used to collect data from 150 students of Islamic University, Kushtia, Bangladesh and they are selected based on a convenient sampling procedure. Both descriptive and inferential statistics are applied to analyze the data. The study found that 73% of students engaged in social media for non-academic purposes and most of them visited the Facebook site. The study also found that the majority of the students visit social networking sites at home, and in residential halls, while most of them spend time on average more than four hours daily, and mostly from 6.00 pm to 6.00 am. The study reveals that time spent on social media and excessive usage of social media negatively impacts students’ academic performance. The study recommends that parents, teachers, and students’ advisor in the university guide and monitor students properly so that they can’t misuse social media.
2022-11-06 Click HereThe COVID-19 epidemic has altered many people's lifestyles and incentives, causing their shopping habits to shift. The current study aims to evaluate these changes. In order to achieve this aim, the study analyzed the influence of the pandemic on Buying Behavior for e-commerce transaction across industries in order to discover household preferences. The present study is intended to respond to research questions of quantitative and qualitative nature. Data collection and analysis techniques from both methods were implemented. Regression analysis was used to study situations in which variables were dependent and simultaneously influenced by several independent variables. The study found that buying behavior is influenced by a number of characteristics, including mental health, isolation, lockdown, price sensitivity, and financial distress. The study also found four factors have a positive association with the dependent variable, whereas the remaining one factor has no relationship with the dependent variable. The world economy, and particularly international trade, have suffered and continue to suffer huge losses as a result of the Coronavirus Epidemic. The uncertainty in which enterprises and end customers have found themselves is exacerbated by a number of issues. These include, to mention a few, income loss, cross-border travel limitations, evolving consumer demand, and changing market actor behavior.
2022-12-30 Click HereThe aims of this study is to explore the factors that affect customers’ satisfaction with Islamic banking services in Malaysia during Covid-19 pandemic. The study is basically conducted on the basis of primary data collected by a well-structured questionnaire using Google Form. The respondents were 102 customers of Islamic Banking in Malaysia by using a simple random sampling technique. Both descriptive and inferential statistics have been used in the study. Descriptive statistics include percentage, mean, standard deviation and inferential statistics include, Reliability test, ANOVA, and Multiple Regression analysis. Regression analysis applies to find the casual effect relationship between dependent and independent variables. The study results show that reliability, competence, and service quality have a positive and significant relationship with customer satisfaction except transparency. The study reveals that reliability, competence, and service quality significantly affect customer satisfaction of Islamic banking services during Covid-19 pandemic but transparency has no effects on satisfaction during the pandemic situation. The study emphasizes that the Islamic banking institutions in Malaysia should focus the reliability and competency to enhance the quality of services during the crisis periods and to meet the customers’ expectations which led to customer loyalty.
2022-12-30 Click HereThe study aims to provide a comprehensive literature review on customer satisfaction and intention to use mobile financial services, to find out the limitations of existing studies, and to guide a direction for future research. This research is narrative and qualitative in nature. There are 58 relevant and related articles selected for the systematic review which were mostly collected from the Scopus database and a few on snowball systems from other authentic databases. Weight analysis performs to identify the best predictors of the existing literatures and descriptive data are presented in tabular and graphical form. The study revealed that D&M IS Success model, TAM, and UTATUT theories have mostly been employed in existing literatures and SEM as frequently applied statistical techniques. Weight analysis disclosed that perceived usefulness, confirmation of expectation, trust, service quality, system quality, information quality, and perceived cost are the best predictors of customer satisfaction and perceived usefulness, satisfaction, self-efficacy, perceived benefit, hedonic motivation, perceived ease of use, and perceived risks are the best predictors of Intention to use MFS. These findings have implications for academicians to take into account such variables for developing new research frameworks and for practitioners in setting business strategies.
2023-02-16 Click HereThe present study empirically examines the impact of Fintech literacy on sustainable intention to use mobile financial services (MFS) with the intervening effect of customer satisfaction. The study used a purposive sampling technique in collecting data from 200 respondents by administering a well-structured questionnaire. The partial least squares structural equation model-ling (PLS-SEM) was applied to measure the reliability and validity of data and test the study’s hypotheses by using SmartPLS4. The empirical result shows that Fintech literacy has a significant and positive influence on customer satisfaction, and sustainable intention to use MFS. Likewise, customer satisfaction significantly affects sustainable intention to use MFS. The study reveals that customer satisfaction has a partial mediating effect on Fintech literacy and sustainable intention to use MFS. This study theoretically contributes to the current body of knowledge on Fintech literacy and mobile financial services literature. The outcome of the study can also be helpful to the MFS providers for taking initiatives in improving the Fintech knowledge of customers,their satisfaction and the sustainable usage intention of MFS.
2023-09-27 Click HereNotable advancements have been made in the field of study concerning the determinants of environmentally conscious consumption in the last few years. However, no studies have explored how consumers feel about their obligation to the environment and how awareness affects their likelihood to engage in eco-friendly shopping. This current study explores the significance of responsibility and knowledge on consumer behavior, particularly when purchasing. It also investigates how environmental concern plays a role as a mediator. An online survey was distributed to 180 customers from Bangladesh to gather data for this study. The results show that knowledge is directly related to ecological responsibilities and influences the intention to make green purchases. Additionally, it was found that knowing the environment positively affects individuals’ level of concern for it. However enough, it was observed that environmental responsibility does not have a positive influence on environmental concerns. Furthermore, the presence of knowledge encourages consumers’ engagement in green purchasing behavior by influencing their degree of environmental consciousness. Nevertheless, it is crucial to acknowledge that there is no indirect relationship between environmental responsibility and ambition to make green purchases via environmental concern. The presence of environmental concern has a favorable impact on individuals’ inclination to engage in green purchasing.
2023-11-28 Click HereThis study develops and empirically tests a conceptual model that investigates the intervening impact of satisfaction on the relationship between corporate reputation and customers’ sustained usage intention. The study followed a convenient sampling procedure for data collection. A PLS-SEM (Partial least square-structural equation modelling) was used as a statistical technique to analyze data and to test the hypothesis of the study through SmartPLS 4.0. The statistical output shows that corporate reputation had a significant impact and relationship with customer satisfaction. Customer satisfaction is a significant antecedent of customers’ sustained usage intention. The findings revealed that corporate reputation had no direct and significant effect on customers’ sustained usage intention but had an indirect influence on it in the presence of satisfaction. The inferential analysis demonstrated that satisfaction fully mediates the relationship between corporate reputation and customers’ sustainable usage intention. This study contributes to the existing body of knowledge on corporate reputation and customers’ sustained usage intention of MFS literature in similar economies. The findings of the study will be useful for the MFS providers for developing strategic planning on the sustainability of customers’ usage decisions and enhancing positive corporate reputation.
2024-01-19 Click HereAccounting, Finance, Hrm
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