Tourism and Hospitality Management

Academic / Faculties / Tourism and Hospitality Management



The Department of Tourism and Hospitality Management launched its academic activities on September 25, 2017 (academic session 2017-2018) with 75 students at Islamic University. The Department is empowered to provide teaching for the degree of BBA and MBA as per rules regulations of the Islamic University. It also offers academic programs leading to the award of doctoral degree and Masters of Philosophy degree and Evening MBA programs. Normally classes are conducted with lecture method. Along with Lecture Method, Case Study, Problem Solving, Group Discussion, Business Game, Role-playing, Documentary film Projection are also used to integrates theoretical knowledge with the practical knowledge. In addition the department also organizes field study, Study Tour, Conferences, Seminars etc.

The naming of the department as Department of Tourism and Hospitality Management now looks towards fundamentally changing the teaching- learning methods in an endeavor to cope with the changing demands for job oriented business education and to enable the graduating students of the Department to face the challenges in the competitive world of the new challenges.

The Department of Tourism and Hospitality Management is located in the Faculty of Business Administration Building. It is within yards of University Gymnasium, & Central Mosque. The central Library of Islamic University is just a five-minute walk from the department. The department is well connected by Wireless Fidelity (Wi-Fi). The vision of the department of Tourism and Hospitality Management is to grow as the premier center for business education as Tourism and Hospitality both in Bangladesh and the Asian region.

Our mission goal demands of us not just remain another participant in the sea of isolated initiatives for higher education in Bangladesh, but to also be a major player in the transmission and dissemination of knowledge, research and technology in Bangladesh based on tourism and hospitality management.