Accounting and Information Systems

Academic / Faculties / Accounting and Information Systems

An Overview of the Department

 The Islamic University was established in 1979 with the view to combine the Islamic education with all branches of modern arts, science and technology to produce qualified and competent scholars for the advancement of knowledge, as well as society.

 The Islamic University launched its academic journey in the session of 1985-86 with four departments. Department of Accounting along with three other departments started its academic activities on June 28, 1986 under the Faculty of Humanities and Social Science. Later, Faculty of Business Administration (FBA) has been established on September 30, 1995 with two departments namely: Accounting and Management. Primarily, the traditional method was followed by the Department but integrated course system was introduced from the academic session 1990-91 and offered 28 courses for the degree of Bachelor of Business Studies (BBS) with Honors (3 years program) and 9 courses & internship for the degree of Master of Business Studies (MBS, one year program).

 In keeping with the greater appeal and acceptability in the job market and successfully face the competitive environment in the modern business world, the BBS (Hons.) and MBS degrees have been renamed by the academic council as Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) with Honors from the session 1993-94 and Master of Business Administration (MBA) from the session 1996-97. The Department also offers M. Phil and PhD degrees. The Department of Accounting has been renamed Accounting and Information Systems from the sessions 2005-2006. From 2010 Evening MBA program was introduced in this Department. The graduates of this department could prove their potentiality and also represent themselves as a leader/top performer by showing their talents in own sectors at home and abroad.

 The academic program is conducted by a number of highly qualified and well conversant academic personnel with suitable academic background. Teachers individually and in teams are actively engaged in research and published their research works in the reputed national and international research journals. In addition to their commitments for teaching and research activities, teachers play an important role in the affairs of the university and community at large. The sound academic backgrounds of the faculties, their research and efficient administrative efforts and the dynamic curriculum have made the Department of Accounting & Information Systems the foremost and popular Department in the Islamic University..